Poster design for 3 different music genres. My challenge was to create visuals that felt natural to fanbases who listened to a specific kind of music. For poster design, I feel that how the info is being displayed still holds great importance but that the size and resolution of the images on that poster are just a little bit more important. Peoples’ eyes are drawn to uncommon or inaccessible perspectives of things they have seen before. When you are given a large canvas – like when you are designing for a poster – you have the opportunity to show people larger-than-life versions of the everyday. Why waste space with larger words when you can fill a canvas with an interesting image? The more prevelant the images are in the poster, the more than fans feel that their idols are close enough to touch. Work the design to showcase the images, with info taking the “by the way” role.
These posters were made using Photoshop and Illustrator. Both “The Endless Summer Tour” & “Sessions” artwork were created for print and their elements were used as a source for further ad materials such as banners, fliers, bulletins and stickers. For a time I was also given the responsibility of webmaster by R&M Artist Records for National Product. In addition to digitally designing the poster for “Sessions,” I was responsible for that project’s set design, wardrobe, lighting, and photography.
Compare my approach here to postcard design, where I have a smaller canvas to work with. What similarities or differences can you observe?

Featured Clients: National Product – R&M Artist Records, Legaci, Tila Tequila – Strategic Artist Management
Roles for National Product: Web Design, Webmaster
Roles for Legaci: Graphic Design, Web Design, Webmaster Choreographer, Dancer, Producer, Photographer
Roles for Tila Tequila: Graphic Design, Web Design, Webmaster, Social Media Assistant, (Web) Operations Manager for
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